Short Information About IQ

The Intelligence quotient or IQ is a number describing the intelligence of people in comparison to the rest of the population. The original definition of IQ when measuring the intelligence of children was: IQ is a ratio of the mental age to the physical age multiplied by 100. The mental age was calculated on the basis of the average results in a test in the respective age category.

Types of IQ Tests

There are two types of IQ tests:
1) Verbal - They determine the level of the ability to find the superior concept for presented series of concepts: "dog, cat, lion = animal", identify the concept not pertaining to a group: "bird, rabbit, monkey, car", find regularities in series of numbers: "11,12,14,17,21", solving of mathematical word tasks, etc.

2) Non-verbal - These tests are designed to measure the ability to form cubes, organize pictures by certain time and a logical sequence, build shapes from various parts, etc. Some of these tests are often aimed to explore your abstract, complex or detail thinking.

Keep in mind that when you decide to take an intelligence quotient test, you have to be physically and mainly mentally relaxed, and take it seriously, which will allow you to be fully concentrated during your IQ testing.

A lot of people ask us: "What is my IQ?". We just say that after you take our test, you'll know the answer and also what it really means.

Try our Short IQ Test questions right now!

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Welcome to the only REAL and regularly revised international free IQ test online! It consists of specially designed culture-fair questions, which can accurately estimate your IQ within just minutes. Over the past 16 years, our test has been taken by over 17 million people all around the world and thus we have a lot of data to correctly revise the test. Yes, after 16 years we decided to give you the results and IQ test certificate completely for free!


This IQ test will explore your intelligence with good questions in a short time. It's the only real and regularly revised culture-fair test on the internet!

  • The IQ test consists of 15 questions with pictures.
  • The questions are scored according to the difficulty.
  • Incorrect answers don't reduce any points from your score.
  • There is always only one correct answer.

We have over 210,000 visitors per month from all over the world. Throughout the past 16 years, our test has been taken by over 20,000,000 people and gained a huge amount of popularity especially in the United States Of America (USA).